Filipino Fighting Spirit

  Filipinos have always been known to be resilient even in the face of difficulties. It's as if it's natural for us to find hope amidst life's chaos. The Philippines is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or floods. And the idea regarding Filipinos' resiliency rooted from when we always find a way to adapt and recover even when faced with these natural calamities. Being resilient is embedded in our culture and heritage. This characteristic really is something to be proud of. Not many people holds this characteristic which makes us, Filipinos, unique. 

How exactly does resiliency benefit our community? A more resilient community means that it is easier for us to recover from difficult times. Moreover, it helps strengthen the bonds between individuals in the community. And a stronger community ensures that everyone has the ability to mentally, physically, and emotionally recover during difficulties. Resilience builds a sense of togetherness or "bayanihan" between the members of the community. If people know that they can rely on one another, it is more likely for them to build trust and cooperation among community members. 

    However, this characteristic could sometimes turn into a toxic trait. It could become problematic in such a way that, at times, people may start to ignore the real problem. Which, for me, is something that is not admirable. People may create jokes with the intention of putting a smile on people's faces, but it could offend some people at the same time. Filipinos' resiliency is indeed a good thing. But romanticizing it to the extent may cause adverse effects in certain negative situations. Overemphasizing that Filipinos could survive despite the circumstances could result to a failure to take immediate actions when these problems arise. When it reaches to this point, it is no longer "resilience", but rather, "ignorance".

   In conclusion,  resiliency is the foundation of a stronger community. It is beneficial for us if done the right way. To ignore any more mishaps, we must look at every side and angle of the situation. Focusing on the real problem while keeping a resilient manner is ideal. There are no improvements if we don't work together. Nothing will change if we don't have resilience. Hence, as a member of the community, we must help the victims voice out themselves and listen to the survivors' call for help. After all, we are the only one who can help ourselves for the betterment of the whole nation. 



Filipino in Flood Smiling. (2018, January 14)

Kennedy. (2019). HelloDriven.

Sutton, J., PhD. (2023). What is resilience, and why is it important to bounce back?,develop%20and%20improve%20over%20time

UrbanFootprint. (2023, June 29). What is community resilience and why does it matter? UrbanFootprint.,able%20to%20endure%20and%20recover



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