Note to a Ruler

    Being the president of a nation is more difficult than it sounds. Leading a nation is a huge responsibility. It requires hard work, honesty, competency, and integrity while maintaining the wellbeing of each individual in the country. It is an honor to be given a chance to write to someone high up in government. President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr., I extend my greatest congratulations for your victory in deluding the minds of 30 million Filipinos during the 2022 presidential elections. You remind the youth that individuals with a questionable educational background could easily obtain such a high position in the government.

    As everyone is very well aware, you are the son of a dictator, former president Ferdinand Marcos Sr. You've continuously misrepresented the martial regime as the "golden era". But what about the testimonies and documents regarding the judicial killings, tortures, and unfair arrests that completely took away the rights of Filipinos during your father's dictatorship? The large amount of public funds that have disappeared out of thin air? Evidences of your family's ill-gotten wealth have arise. And the fact that you and your family have been convicted as tax evaders. "The father's crimes isn't inhibited by his son," they say. They may or may not be wrong, but you, as his son and the president of the Philippines, are expected to correct them. You deny and disregard your father's wrongdoings, but take credit for his accomplishments. Isn't that rather hypocritical?

    I'd be lying if I said you've convinced me into believing that you are deserving of your position. Many Filipinos' issues are associated with the economy. Some Filipinos think that the government should pay more attention to these contemporary issues. This includes the constant rise in the price of goods and the decreasing value of our currency. Filipinos without a high stature in society, especially those suffering in poverty, are distressed because of this particular reason. The underpaid Filipino workers. Considering that the prices of goods are extremely high for average Filipinos, having a low income makes it even more difficult for us. And most importantly, the lack of assistance for the lower class. Filipinos have heard promises after promises from politicians that they will mitigate the effects of poverty among many Filipinos, but they still don't receive the subsidy they deserve. Many issues are being recognized, and yet, I haven't heard any action from you. There's more talk and promises than actual progress. Is this really the "golden era" that was promised?

    I understand that no administration has no flaws. Despite that, I still believe that these can be fixed. Hence, I expressed my greatest worries through this blog. I hope that you and the readers understand where I, an average student who yearns for good governance, am coming from. Same as majority of Filipinos, I only want what's best for this country.

    Mr. President, your people need you. You are the president, the most powerful man in this country. Many Filipinos have glorified you and your family. This results to them thinking highly of you. Your people are your responsibility. We are in need of your excellence in leading our country. I sincerely hope that your presidency will go above and beyond what many of us have expected. I wish you luck for your next six years of service.


Buan, L. (2021, November 3). RECORDS: Bongbong Marcos’ 1997 tax conviction hounds him in 2022 campaign. RAPPLER.

De Guzman, S. S. (2021, October 25). Bongbong Marcos’ case – a moral issue.

Economic issues top concerns of most Pinoys – survey. (2021, December 2). (2016)

Republic of the Philippines

The young Ferdinand ‘Bongbong’ Marcos Jr. and his father Ferdinand Sr. Photo: Malacanang Museum and Library


  1. Keep pushing for what's right—real talk, real issues. Stay bold, Akkiko! Keep advocating for the change you want to see :)

  2. I love the fact that you became honest and transparent in this message. Keep fighting for what's right, Avva! Continue making your voice heard!! <33


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