First Quarter Chronicles


   The clouds were dark, and the rain poured relentlessly. Every student in the room felt both excitement and nervousness, not knowing what to expect for this school year. I can still vividly remember the feeling of going back to school after the summer break. This feeling is somewhat sentimental, as it is a sign that I am now entering another chapter in my life. It reminded me of the new friends I will make, new challenges I will overcome, new lessons to learn, and many changes  I will encounter in my life. Time truly goes by so fast. One moment, I was a 6th grader who still isn't able to express herself very well. Now, I'm a 10th grader who grew even more mature. 

    During the first few days of 10th grade, although some school days were suspended due to heavy rain, things turned out great. Socializing wasn't as hard as it was in 9th grade, because of the fact that we already know one another. I had mixed emotions as majority of my closest friends became my classmates, except for one, sadly. And we got to know each other, including our teachers, even better through their creative methods of introduction. Although shyness still lingered within us, it is no doubt that we all were looking forward to a great school year together, as Marconi.

    Even before the school year started, I knew that I am already being surrounded with classmates who, same as me, are excellent academic achievers. This made me feel intimidated. I felt pressured to do better. Don't get me wrong, I do not intend to compete with my classmates as I'm very well aware that we all are excellent students. I only felt pressured in a way that I might be left behind if I don't encourage myself to do better. However, as I spent my days with Marconi, I realized that we all have something in common. It is our eagerness to learn. After all, everyone is fun to be around with. This, gladly, eased the pressure I felt during the first few days. 

    I admit that I had regrets with regards to my academic performance back in 9th grade. So even before the school year even started, I already faced problems with myself. It seems that my expectations for myself is too high, according to some friends and family. This, yet again, added more to the academic pressure I was already feeling. It affected me, as a person, to the point that my self confidence was slowly decreasing. However, this won't stop me from achieving my academic goals. I will keep on doing what I think is best until I reach my expected outcomes. This reminds me of a song lyric by Taylor Swift. "Fake it till you make it, till you do, till it's true." I suppose things always work out for me that way. 

    Regarding my study habits, I have many concerns. Majority of my study habits back in 9th grade are considered to be bad. Cramming was rather a "trend" among my classmates and I. Procrastination made my school life even more difficult. So, I told myself and my friends that I will not do the same bad habits, now that I'm in 10th grade. Unfortunately, things don't always work out the way we want it to. I still find myself tempted to do these bad study habits. As a matter of fact, I still do majority of them. Although I believe that cramming and procrastination are something we can't avoid, I should encourage myself to avoid doing these bad study habits and search for better methods.

    As I am reflecting on my first quarter journey in 10th grade, I realized that day by day I am faced with challenges as a student. The fact that I am still here, keeping my head held up high, makes me think that I deserve at least a pat in the back for trying. I feel as if I don't give myself enough credit for doing a great job. I focus too much on things that I want to achieve that I forget to appreciate the process towards those goals. Hence, from now on, I will appreciate every achievement, whether it be big or small, and congratulate myself for my efforts.

    Moving on, I feel motivated and determined. I personally think that the first quarter of this school year is wonderful. Although I feel that certain things would've been better if they were done differently, there is always room for improvement. Determination not only transform challenges as learning opportunities, but also encourages a resilient mindset necessary for personal and intellectual growth. As long as I remain committed to improving my academic performance, I will be able to unlock the doors to knowledge, discover my greatest, and obtain a future where my aspirations and dreams will eventually be fulfilled.




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