Third Quarter Chronicles


First half of the second semester, (almost) finished. Only one quarter left till we graduate in junior high school. My experiences are basically similar as the previous quarters. Every quarter is an opportunity for me to gain new knowledge and thrive to be a better student. Time is surely not wasting any moment as it goes by so fast. I realized that the person I was from my first and second quarter reflection is different from the present. This only indicates that I am growing as a person and as a student

    This quarter’s lessons still revolved around HTML. We learned about linking, frames, tables, and lists. HTML coding has become an easy task thanks to Ma’am Vera Cruz for her unending dedication to teaching. For our final output, we conducted a community-based research, which we will use as data for creating our very own web page. All tags discussed from the 2nd quarter will be used. Though it is a challenging activity due to the limited time and the amount of school requirements I have to finish, I feel that it’ll all be worth it once we finish the given task.

    Third quarter is quite a roller coaster ride. Honestly speaking, I am having a hard time. I have a hard time managing my time. Considering that the end pf school years had been moved earlier, teachers and students are rushing in order to meet deadlines. Deadlines are my worst nemesis. Imagine going to school at 7 and go home at 5. It is rather difficult to manage time. As much as we have to work hard to finish our requirements, we also need  to give our minds a rest. But I guess, as students, that is imposiible in this current situation.

    Despite that, I firmly believe that there is always a solution to problems. Although the frustration of meeting the deadlines is a huge pressure, all will be worth it in the end. All the sleepless night, the tears we shed, and the hard work and effort will all be worth it. This’ll be an opportunity for me to learn lessons in life and be a better person or a student.

    As we near the end of the second semester in junior high, it's clear that this period has been full of ups and downs. From learning HTML to juggling deadlines, it's been a busy time. Despite the challenges, the lessons learned and the growth experienced have made it all worthwhile. With just one quarter left, I'm ready to tackle whatever comes my way, knowing that I've grown stronger along the journey.




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