Au Revoir

    As the final month of this school year approaches, I can't help but immerse myself with my moments as a Grade 10-Marconi student. Surely, this school year was hectic, considering that it is my last year as a STE student in ISNHS. Everything does come to an end. Normally, one would feel sorrowful as they bid their goodbyes. As for me, I feel extreme joy that, at last, all this will be over. 
   It seems that having a low self-esteem, for me,  is something that is difficult to overcome. I am in constant pressure. I pressure myself into becoming something that I dream of being. I constantly push myself to meet certain expectations I inflict upon myself. Once I fail to do so, that's when these expectations start to slowly agonize me. Self-sabotaging is one of my greatest problems. I should be the one to motivate myself during tough times, but instead, I discourage myself

    Unfortunately, I haven't solved this long-term problem of mine entirely. However, I wish that a glimpse of hope will soon show itself to me. I wish for moments wherein I will surprise myself, exceeding my own expectations and finding a surge of genuine pride. 

   Moving forward, I won't wait for a magical solution to arrive.  Instead, I'll take steps to build my self-esteem. Maybe finding a hobby that aligns with my interests, seeking guidance from a counselor or a family member, or simply practicing positive affirmations.  By actively working on this, I hope to replace the self-doubt with a voice that acknowledges both my strengths and areas for improvement.

    This journey of self-compassion won't be easy, but the reward is a future where I can approach challenges with confidence and celebrate my accomplishments with genuine joy.  It's a future I'm determined to create for myself.

    This may mark the end of my time as a Grade 10 student and blogger, but it's also the beginning of a new chapter. This platform allowed me to explore my thoughts and connect with others. For that, I'm incredibly grateful.  To my family, my true friends, and my number 1 supporter – thank you for your unwavering belief in me. You are the wind beneath my wings, pushing me towards a future where I can face challenges with confidence and celebrate achievements with genuine joy. This future, filled with self-compassion and endless possibilities, is one I'm excited to create – with all of you by my side. 

    Au revoir.

Self Sabotage
Sound of Music



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